well Poot is here. She got here the day after I wrote the post about having a "planned" busy week. The Lord blessed me with the opportunity to meet my students on the first day of school. While there, I really decided I should call my doctor to see about the possibility of leaking amniotic fluid. I knew that my water had not broken, but I just had a feeling something was not right. My contractions that I had been having really weren't there anymore so I just put in a call. This was at lunch. I was determined to meet everyone, so I stayed until 3:45 (the Lord really watches over me, I tell you). Then I picked CR up in Driscoll, we stopped at TCBY for yogurt because I was starving and thought it may be my last time to eat for awhile, then headed to the ER at Bay Area. My doctor was not in the office but thank the Lord he was on call. I had to go through the ER to get checked out. They totally admitted me and then did a swab to see if it was amniotic fluid. It wasn't, but everytime I had a contraction (that I still never felt even though they showed to be decent on the rector scale) baby's heart rate dropped significantly for a few minutes at a time. Once I heard that, my eyes were glued on the monitor and I just kept praying it would all be ok. Dr. Supnet came in immediately because apparently he gets the monitor screen on his phone and he said this wasn't good. I wasn't leaving and I had 2 options. 1) was to induce labor and have baby that way ... caution: every time you contract baby's heart rate may drop more and more and there is only so much she can take. 2) have a c-section and get her out of there as soon as possible. So I said, "well, we need to do what is best for the baby". "Lauren, if you go through labor we worry about cerebral palsy or still birth because of the heart rate ..." "ok, well then to me there is only 1 option, let's get her out!" 35 minutes later I was receiving my epidural and soon after that baby was out. IT'S A GIRL BY THE WAY! Kirby Rose Patrick was born at 8:36 pm weighing in at 6 lbs, 7 oz and 18 1/2" long. They said, "You have a little peanut!" The whole time I was being cut on I kept praying and saying, "You know the number of hairs on this precious baby's head. You have brought us so far with this pregnancy and the issues that it brought; I know this is the big finale and you have something so amazing to show me soon." Sure enough, I can not imagine being any more happy or in love with what He has given us while we are here on Earth. This was not the route that I of course would have chosen, but this is the route God took us through and He was amazing (did we ever doubt) the whole way through. I immediately began praying as soon as I heard I was for sure having the C-section and a minute later God sent me an Angel ... the nurse that was with me the whole time was the best thing I could have had while there. I have heard many bad stories about people who had horrible nurses that just did not empathize at all. Not Kris; she loved on me, rubbed my back and made me feel so warm and safe in this time where I was really concerned. CR took everything with stride, too. Over this last week in the hospital God just kept reminding me how blessed I am to have him for a husband. I will update more later, but mom, dad and Kirby need my attention right now. Enjoy her beautiful pictures at the new shutterfly ... I had to make a new one because somehow I was always a guest on my own and couldn't change things. So here is the new link :) ...
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