My best friend Bethany had her baby on June 2nd. Nathan Matthew was a little early, but not small in size by any means! He weighed in at 7 lbs, 12 oz. and was 20" long. He was just ready to come out and start learning football from his daddy. I am very excited for The Thompsons. They are a very special part of my life and I can not wait to see Nathan grow into a wonderful young man that the Lord and the two of them will mold him to become. 
Sorry the last 2 pics are kind of blurry ... copyrighted from facebook! :) I will have live and in-person photos in a few weeks when I get to see them!! Congrats Bethany and Kevin!

The kind of scary part is ... Bethany was right at 12 weeks ahead of me in her pregnancy. So, in reality, that could be us in just 12 weeks! We need to get crackin'. Sorry it has taken me a week to give you an update on the doctor's appointment. Life has been so busy in a blessed way. Thankfully everything went well last Tuesday at the appointment. They got me in a bit early since I was so concerned. They listened for the heartbeat right away and it was lower than Nugget's normal, but still considered a resting heartbeat for the baby. I think that I just wore Nugget out so much the last 2 weeks that he/she just decided to sleep for a few days. They sent me up for an ultrasound to make sure that they weren't in a compromising position since I did have some bleeding, but everything was fine. The lady had the monitor on the TV the whole time so I was really nervous about seeing what it was. I looked really quick to see the beautiful face and then kept my head turned the whole time. Nugget is getting big! According to "averages", Nugget is a little over 2 pounds and 14 inches long. Yesterday I definitely felt that in my rib. CR said they were giving me a tickle fight. I go back on June 18th so stay tuned!
Today began the summer intensive portion of my principal certification course. It was a lot of fun. Besides having to drive into Corpus everyday, I am really looking forward to this portion of the course. This class has already taught me so much with the different professionals that Mr. Spencer (our Santa Clause) has invited in. I am excited to see who else we get to meet with over the next few weeks. For my wonderful classmate Bev ... PEL YEAH!
As for the house building, it is still moving along really well. It doesn't seem like as much is going on because it is mainly things that one doesn't "see". The air conditioner people finished up with all the duct work, Kitty and CR are almost finished wiring the house for all of the electrical work, the garage door was installed (see above), and the water lines have been dug and are just about complete. Friday installation goes in and I believe Monday the sheet rock will start to go up. The Patrick's really think we can be in July 16th or so ... that seems hard to me, but I will definitely take it! That will give us almost 2 whole months before baby.
All the outside trim and underpinning has been painted. It is kind of dark, but check out the cedar posts. I just love them. I told CR I thought it would be neat to get our friends who have brands to come over and put their brand on them. Kind of like a record of visitors, but instead of in a book, we have it on our posts!
And this frog is for Kyleigh Anne. A few weeks ago we had hundreds of these guys all over the yard. They weren't bigger than a nickle. Now they are about a half dollar.
Today began the summer intensive portion of my principal certification course. It was a lot of fun. Besides having to drive into Corpus everyday, I am really looking forward to this portion of the course. This class has already taught me so much with the different professionals that Mr. Spencer (our Santa Clause) has invited in. I am excited to see who else we get to meet with over the next few weeks. For my wonderful classmate Bev ... PEL YEAH!
Looking good. Who painted? The frog must be making a home there too.Glad you are enjoying Pel.
ReplyDeleteWe had a painter do all the outside trim work. :)