
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

God will use you ...

if you let him.

"God will use anybody who will trust him and expect to be used by him - not because of who you are, but for His glory."  That is from my morning devotional on my Bible Survey.  Not sure who said it, but I loved it.  It is not because of anything you or I have done or could ever do, but he uses people for his purpose and glory...and our good.  (Romans 8:28)

Just let that sink in this new year ... be used for His glory and your good.  Be present with Him, and you will find the desire and the ability to be present to those around you.  Right off the bat I have had to be down this year.  As low key as possible, no lifting, no working out, no pushing/pulling.  Do you know how hard this is for me?  And since I am NOT PREGNANT , it wont effect a baby if I over do it, so I have a tendency to push the limits.  If you know me at all, you know I can not sit still.  Our Tupperware drawer is spotless ;)  Being still, though, does have its perks.  It gives me that much needed time that I beg for on the daily to be in His presence without any fingers or toes crawling under the door.  It gives me time to SIT and eat my breakfast instead of running out the door, coffee breath goodbye kiss to farmer, and shoveling it in my face while I drive and keep the kids from killing each other.

Part of a devotional yesterday said, "Enjoy life in it's fullness (so you mean don't grumble???), for this is My plan for you this year."  So many people get caught up in resolutions and goals (all good, not negating that at all) but they leave out His purpose.  All he calls us to do is give Him ourselves.  If you are looking for His will for your life, a goal, a resolution, whatever you want to call it, there it is ... Give it to God.  And then live this life he has given us to enjoy now while he is preparing an even better place (John 14:3) to be enjoyed even fullerer (word?!!!).

What is funny is that with allllll this down time, for the life of me I can't start to write another book.  This has already been a much requested theme from people who have gotten Helping Daddy Ray on the Farm and I did think, "What a great time to sit and get an outline going, ideas on paper, etc" ... nothing.  That just shows you folks, in God's timing and writers block.

So, when will book 2 come out ... in God's timing.  In the mean time, go buy a book or five!

Amazon has 1 copy left!
Barnes and Noble
Books a Million

Or if you want to make sure your copy is signed, get it from me!  Just drop me an email at

Introducing to you the newest member of our farm, John Wayne.  The way sweet Patton says it with his little lisp is "YUAN WAYNE".  Between McClintock, Rooster Cogburn and The Man from Snowy River, we have quite the adventures of mud fights, quick draws, and wild horse roundups.

 No sleep and LuLaroe ... that was my overall theme for 2016 I think.  And if you have not tried Lula, you are missing out big time and I can hook you up with a gal.  

 Farmer is thankful I have friends who send me flowers so he doesn't have to.  In all seriousness, I am so thankful for what these flowers represent.  Friendships down here, far away from where I grew up and had friends ... that have been planted, watered and cultivated over the years and now are such beautiful blooms that I get to share so much with.  

 Kirby and I love to sign and pray over the books as we send them off to the kiddos who order them.  

 Do you see what I see?!!!  A star, a star!  Kirby Rose is the star!  Thankfully she didn't lock her knees and she even made it through the 3 extra songs that Kyleigh didn't take her down for.  That was free entertainment.  

 Because, well, this is how you feel after a church service with all 3 kids on the pew with you and then 15 tries at someone to get a picture instead of a video of your family by a tree.  However, I was thankful that each of our little blessings got to hear the Reason we 'tis the season, and pray that it fell upon good soil.  And yes, Bowen is in shorts. Merry Christmas from South Texas.  

This man right here .... gosh, I know I have said it before, but man was I way off on my dream husband.  So much better than I could have ever dreamt up.  Some days I want to tase him with the cattle prong, but he has a heart of gold.  And the way he has stepped up this year with everything going on in my body, doesn't surprise me, but makes me feel to complete in this journey of life.  Knowing I have a team captain, who treats me like gold, instead of feeling like I am someone on the opposite team, gives me so much relief and hope in this life.  I know where my joy and my hope come from and rest in Him, but in this beautiful heaven on earth, our adventure with a family has really just begun (10 years in, might I add!).  We are just now about to embark on the tougher things .... we thought long nights with newborns were tough, I know they have nothing on what raising a daughter and 2 boys in this day and age will be like.  I know the struggles that I have heard many parents share with me, and I pray that our children are protected from those battles, but what a partner I have to battle the world with.  "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." Romans 8:37 ... that I full well believe.  With Christ, it is already won.  But that doesn't mean our praying knees won't be worn and weary, and that there will always be smiles and big hugs at night from our little girl whose eyes dance when she grins.  It won't always be beautiful, although there will be days to showcase, and it won't always end well in our eyes, but Lord, thank you for giving me what I did not deserve in this man I can call mine.  And more importantly, in your Son.  

I never dreamt God could use me way out here in the middle of nowhere, but if this homestead with my man and 3 chillens is all I ever am used for, then what more could I ask for?  What a joy and privilege to be granted these precious souls, and I expect Him to use me in a big way for each of their darling lives.

Lots of love, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (because noooooooo cards or pics got sent out this year.  Don't worry, you didn't get cut from the list.)


"Your beauty should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quite spirit which is of great worth in God's sight."  1 Peter 3:4

Monday, November 21, 2016

They're here!

Oh my goodness guys and gals, they are here.  The books are really here!  This was such an exciting morning.  

Bowen was napping when the truck got to the barn to unload the boxes, so I couldn't get video or a selfie with the delivery truck.  And I had already mopped floors, worked in the yard, and worked out so I was in prime apparel for the video ;)  But we did not care.  We wanted to capture us, so thats what you get.  Mismatched clothes, mom bun, and if you had smellavision, you would get a good wiff of pig!  But that is what it is like with Daddy Ray on the farm, so that is what you see (and smell).

Books are currently available through me, so if you would like a copy please email at  .  They will be available to distributers January 3rd, so if you want them for Christmas holler at me soon!  I will get them signed, sealed and delivered!  I am currently working on my website so that you will be able to order directly from there, but until then, just shoot me a line.  It would be awesome to hear from you anyways!

Thank you for your encouragement and prayers!  Praying that His name would be magnified through this simple book about life on the farm.

"And He said unto them, go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."  Mark 16:!5

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Shipping Update

Friends, I am besides myself.  I love how God is so very personal to each and everyone of us.  From the time of the conception of this crazy book idea, I have called it "our book".   First between God and I because well, without Him, none of this would be here.  I wouldn't be here for that matter, but you get what I mean.  His Spirit speaks to us when we expect to hear him and listen, and I had asked Him a question (see past blog post below).  But the "our" also included my husband.  We are a team.  We make it a priority (although there are days when we are more like opponents) to always be team players, and I am so thankful for that.  Sometimes you can over hear us doing the whole "gooooo team Patrick" while putting our hands on top of each other and then throwing them in the air like you would see on the baseball mound.

So how does this tie in to the "our book" and God being personal to us comment?  Well, I received an email this morning from the project manager of the book, and the estimated ship date is November 18th.  Trivia question .... what is November 18th?  Our anniversary!  10 year anniversary.  Anybody else get giddy over that?  Something that we have prayed together over, read together, approved/disapproved... shipping on our anniversary .... ahh, I just love the personal love of our Savior.

I have had some people ask about getting a copy.  As soon as I have them in my hand, they are available to you!  We will ship or hand deliver!  Some will remain at the warehouse for them to distribute to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Books-A-Million.  I will also be doing a read aloud at schools and libraries throughout the upcoming year, so if you are interested in me coming your way, please get in touch so we can get you on the calendar ... I would love, love, love to come share this story with as many as I can.  

Thank you so much for all of the encouraging messages and prayers so far in this journey.  We continue to ask for prayers for us to see where He is leading us in this, and that above all us, His name would be glorified and spread across our great nation, and spill over into others.  From farm to city, from the counnnntry (say it and you will get it) to countries, may His name be magnified.  

Keep watching here or on Instagram @helpingdaddyrayonthefarm.  I quit Facebook ... more on that another time, so all updates will be here and then shared on Insta.  You are welcome to share with Facebook and other social media outlets, it was just something personal I had to step away from.  Thanks for the love!!

-Team Patrick

Saturday, October 29, 2016

We can Plan,

but the Lord's will prevails.  If you have been a reader of my blog for any length of time, you notice this title is a common theme.  Maybe not the same words, but the same underlying principal.  Also, I am sorry I have left you hanging.  It was not on purpose.

The last time we left off, I had brown hair.  I went through hi lights this summer, then begged her to get it back to my natural color, and now, once again ... can you guess ... I had to add some blonde peekaboo's.  Some things you just can't quit.  But now there are also some natty grey hairs peekabooing, too.  It's what I call a fun smorgasbord of colors.  

The last time we chatted, I also went into a lengthy soap box about listening fervently to the Lord and digging deeper than I ever had before.  I am assuming the reason I was hearing Him so clearly was because I was getting deep into His word as much as I could.  It's like the best friend of yours - the more you know her and her character, the better you "get" what she is saying.  Same thing with God.  The more we know who He is, what His voice sounds like amongst the crazy voices of this world, the more we will "get" Him.  All of this I learned through Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer.    I highly, highly, highly recommend you quit reading here and go get the book if you have never read it.  But then come back and pick up here.  

A few things to know as you continue to read this post:

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."  Romans 8:28, ESV

If God calls you to it, He will prepare you for it.  He will equip you when he calls you.  "Equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen."  Hebrews 13:21 ESV

God has perfect timing, and all of our life events and circumstances can be used together.  Jesus said to the disciples in John 16:12 "I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now."
Don't you sometimes wish you could see the end result?  If you have any kind of planner personality like me, you want to see it all so that you can organize what happens when, with whom, and maybe even the why of it.  But God ... in His perfectness, knows that we cannot handle it all at once.  So we must just "do the next thing."  

Have you asked yourself yet, "What is she getting at?"  I promise I am getting there. 

A few more things to know as you continue, in case you didn't or have forgotten:

I have loved to write since I can remember.  I recall my 4th grade English teacher tried to get me to not write so much at the same time she was trying to pry just one page out of many of my classmates. 

I battled an eating disorder for over 10 years between high school, college, and the beginning of my marriage.  (I promise this is relevant.)

I began college as an Elementary Education major because I longed to be a teacher, but through circumstances I had to take a different path, ended up graduating with an English degree and then went through an alternative program to become a high school English teacher.  Love how that worked out!  Not the route I planned, but it still all came together.  And with that extra year, I met the love I never dreamt of!  Swoon.

Speaking of that love, since our early years, CR and I have always joked about our lives being a hilarious story and that one day I need to "add that one to my book" ... "dedicate the beard to an entire chapter" .... so on and so forth.  

It has always been a far off plan of mine to one day write a book.  I have always planned, dreamt, desired, whatever you want to call it, to one day write a book to the pre-teen group of gals about eating disorders, how they can totally overcome you before you even know it, and change your entire life.  I know that the Lord allowed me to go through that battle for a reason, and I have always imagined that it was to one day share my story with girls across the world.  I have given my testimony on it a few times, so I thought for sure that was the path He was prepping me for.  And maybe He is.

Late last Spring, however, as my Bible study group and I were finishing up Children of the Day by Beth Moore, the Lord laid something very heavy on my heart.  An unshakable moment.  We came across a verse in 2 Thessalonians 3:1 ... "Finally, dear brothers and sisters, we ask you to pray for us. Pray that the Lord's message will spread rapidly and be honored wherever it goes, just as when it came to you."  I wrote out next to my study, "How is the best way to swiftly spread the Word of the Lord across the world?"  As I was sitting there, writing came to my mind.  Books can travel across oceans, to places that don't have Internet to read blogs.  Books can be shared in many countries, and translated to other languages.  Books ... books ... books.  I had to literally shake my head a few times until we were finished for the night.  

A few days passed and as CR and I were eating lunch together at our kitchen counter, I laughingly joked after he told me a story about his dad that I should just write a kids book with his dad as the real life, male Amelia Bedilia persona.  And that is where it all began.  

I continued to feel hard pressed to put this into action, not just a joke.  I wrote a prayer to the Lord that evening, that I had no clue what he wanted me to do with this idea, but I was laying it all down at his feet.  The next day I got up and wrote a story.  I heard him clearly through it all.  I put it away and thought it was silly.  Dumb.  No one would like this.  I asked the Lord, "Now?  I don't have time to do this.  I have 3 kids 5 and under."  I'm sure he laughed and said, "I know, I gave you those blessings."  I told him there was no way, "Don't you know we are entering harvest time?"  He responded, "Yes dear, I know.  Now is the time.  Write."  

"A children's book, Lord?  That market is probably so over saturated, I won't even get a call back."

"Lauren, just obey."  Clearer than anything I had ever heard before.

I sent a text to a prayer partner of mine.  I didn't want them to know what was going on, because I did not want anyone's voice distracting me, but I definitely needed a warrior or two praying for a clear head and to be able to hear His words, not mine.  Discernment, clarity, and direction were what I asked for and she prayed with no questions asked.  If you don't have a prayer partner, go on and get ya one. 

I checked, double checked, and then triple checked my motives.  "Not my will, but yours Lord."  I asked over and over, "Why is it you want me to do this, Lord?"  

"To share my truths to children all over.  Lauren, just be obedient and write."

So that is what I did.  To the best of my ability.  I have no idea what the Lord has planned for this, and I am thankful for that.  If I knew, I might not have taken the step to obey.  I took the story I had written as a rough draft, a publisher loved it, and we will have a book out before the end of the year.  The release date to stores is January 3rd, but they say I will have them in my hand before then.  

It is a simple truth.  It is a little funny.  It is all based on true stories that happen around here all the time.  My prayer is that I can do a small children's series eventually, and then possibly graduate to the preteen level and somehow incorporate my battle into a book.  If not, that is ok.  This is God's plan and I am just trying to be obedient and "do the next thing" (Priscilla Shirer)  It could just be this one.  He knows and with that, I am content.

I will keep you updated as I receive information from the publisher.  It is currently in the printing stage and should be done there within a month.  This, this by far is the most exciting obedience step the Lord has had me take besides marrying CR (for those of you that know that story, its ok to laugh).  Nothing I would have ever imagined.  

"In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly."  Psalm 5:3

So even though this isn't what I thought or intended to write, He has orchestrated our life ... all of this ...  into one beautiful, at times questionable on our end and scary, story.  Through it all though, there has been an amazing sense of peace that could only come from the Prince of Peace.   

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:7 NIV 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Blessings while Blooming

So I have failed miserably on keeping up with my promise to blog more.  If I could insert an emoji, it would be the whole sequence of monkeys.

Since I last had a moment to write, Bowen has gone through his 7th and 8th month of life.  Mom fail of not documenting that in staged pictures.  But we do have the wonderful, more real life cell phone pictures.  So that'll do.

With poor little man's journey of ear infections, we were referred to an ENT.  Thankfully by the time we got in, his ears were clear.  So as long as they don't get infected again, I believe we are in the clear for not needing tubes this year.  As much as I want him to feel better, I really do not want him having to go under for any thing just yet.  He is definitely such a different baby then our first two.  Which is of course a blessing, because they are each made unique and in their own very special way.  However, for the LOVE, he has already been to the ER once, on antibiotics 5 times, and had a bloody nose.  And still doesn't consistently sleep through the night.  Thank you Lord for this blessing and the lessons I am learning, such as "slow down, enjoy the moments, count your blessings, we're all made in His image ....".

Here has been a frequently prayed scripture over the last few months ...

Last night we finished up our Bible study for the semester.  I lost my composure and bawled during my closing prayer.  Sometimes the Holy Spirit just moves in us in a way that we can't contain (or explain for that matter).  I am so thankful He indwells in me because there were so many times throughout this study that He spoke to me in a whole new perspective.  At times I didn't like what I was seeing, but it was what I needed to see, hear, and feel.  I needed to be plucked out, uprooted, and repositioned from my comfort zone many times.  Challenging, yes.  Uncomfortable, oh yes.  Awkward, insert monkey emoji once more.  But fearful, no.  Why?  Because My God is stronger and more faithful than anything I can ever imagine.  

One of my favorite parts of the study was this past week, Beth Moore said that it had taken her 18 months to fully prepare the study.  She had wondered, what had happened in our lives over the past 18 months?  So we wrote out the goods and the bads of what had transpired in our lives.  It was really neat to see it down on paper.  But then I took it a step further for me, and if you are inclined to do so, I want you to do the same.  It will only take a few minutes, but I promise it is refreshing.  Go ahead and write out some of the things that come to your mind that have occurred over your last 18 months of life. I will share a few things with you so you can get your brain working and get vulnerable with yourself:
We paid off my last student loan earlier in 2014, so we were in Disney World 17 months ago ... what a joyous time at the most magical place on Earth.
I found out I was pregnant and CR thought for a moment his life was over.  I did too if we are honest.
I watched my grandmother go in and out of the hospital before being placed in a nursing home, then moved to another one ... none to her pleasure or because of her "want to".
We had a big scare and thought I was going to lose Bowen, but was put on bed rest and all was well.
My photography business exploded, but then got put on the back burner.
Some of the closest people to me, overnight, became some that needed to be kept far away.  Tough lesson there.  Ouch.
I saw one of my dearest friends miscarry two times.
We welcomed sweet Bowen to our world.
My parents purchased some property closer to us.
I've gone from brown to blonde to red and back to blondish brown hair.  

Now what I went back and did on my own was looked at those moments (and even more but didn't share them all) and saw where the hand of God was in each and every one of them.  Every one ... even the changing of hair colors.  Do you know what kind of good talks you can have while sitting in a swivel chair for 2 hours every 6 weeks?  Good ones.  I challenge you to do the same.  Not change your hair but look where God's hands have been.  It was life changing for me.  He is everywhere.  I have had to hit my knees harder and dig deeper into scripture more than ever before.  I am learning more and more to be still.  To sit back and discern.  And I thought high school was challenging days.  Ha, they got nothing on this.  But oh the growth I have experienced since then.  And how I wish I would have known then what I know now, but would it have been the same?  Probably not.  God is sovereign and knows my steps (Proverbs 19:21, 20:24, 21:30) so I trust this is all part of my journey.  Our journey.  I'm so thankful you are on this journey with me, by the way.  Even those who are only a virtual part, thanks for praying and sharing in our joys and jarrings.  

And what else has come from all this?  Blooms .... precious seeded, watered and weeded blooms.


Don't all little boys get pedicures?

 Every little girl needs some Pipi in their life!

 These 2 pictures melt my heart ... the top, it is as if Patton is protecting Kirby ... with love... the way someone stands behind those they cherish.  The bottom Kirby is so cautiously walking him through the pretend rain storm they dreamt up.  She carefully made sure he was more out of the "rain" than her own person.  
And the biggest news of all ....
this momma learned how to drive the tractor to put out hay.  This is one of those mundane jobs that has to be done, but can end up taking a lot of time, especially during harvest when we are already really busy.  So I thought, "teach me now while you have time, so that when I need to, I can take care of this!"  Intimidating, yes, but remember, you never truly grow (regardless of how silly of a thing it may seem) unless you get out there and strengthen your roots first.  You can have some artificial sprouts, but if the root is shallow, you will not blossom to your potential.  Bloom where you are planted my friends.  And I was purposefully planted here.  

"There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord."  Proverbs 21:31