
Sunday, August 23, 2015

1st Days ....

Where did June, July and now almost all of August go?  Here it was, end of May and I was doing all I could to keep baby #3 in utero and get Kirby all set for her new school year, and now she has had 2 days of school and baby #3 made their debut 11 days ago.  What?

This year Kirby is going to the same school that CR and Katherine went to as youngins'.   Every year on the first day of school, Ray would take their picture in this same exact spot ... so we thought we would carry on the tradition.  Don't you love Kirby's model status?

Kirby made herself right at home.  I am so excited about this year and feel so much peace about holding her out another year for kinder.  Yes, she is wipper snapper and people think she will be bored, but it isn't up to them!  I observed the class and feel confident that not only will she gain skills, but she will also gain foundational phonemic awareness that she currently lacks.  Kirby will not be bored - she has a tendency to find things to keep her occupied and her mind going all on her own.  

Now, for those of you that may have missed it, Bowen Bass Patrick made his debut on August 12th at 12:30 pm.  I had a great photographer/friend that did all she could to come to the hospital to be there to take pictures of it all (not quite birth photography since I had a C-section) but she was able to capture all of the stuff that I usually miss while getting stitched up and hanging out in recovery.  Once I get those pictures, I will do an entire birth post for him.  

However, here are a few newborn pictures that I captured of him the other day.

He is already definitely a "third child".  Last week he fell asleep in my arms as I was chasing down Patton to swat him after he hit sissy.  Way to go Bowen, way to go.  

The kids (as of now) are head over heels in love with him.  It has been quite interesting with our sleep lately .... basically at some point in the night, all 3 are in bed with us at the same time.  Ahhhh, please tell me that toddler sleeping gets better as they get older ....

 "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."  Ephesians 2:10