
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sweet Home Montgomery

This past week the kids and I went to Montgomery to visit with my parents and for Kirby Rose to take swimming lessons.  We did this last summer and it was such a refreshing time for all of us.  This year was even more eventful and reviving … I left my camera and laptop in Bishop with CR!  It's a good thing because even if I wanted to, I would not have had a chance to work … at all.  We were blessed with a trip to the Downtown Aquarium adventure, fun swims at the pool everyday, a little shopping, some fresh blueberry picking and a shower for sweet baby Beckett.  With all that, and the fact that Patton loves my parent's stairs but is not quite sturdy enough to go down them by himself, I am worn out.  Worn out is actually an understatement.  Puttered out is more like it.  And the kids decided to be like roosters this week and crow with the sun, so there is that.  But completely worth it for them to make memories with Grammy, Paw Paw and cousins, and Aunt E.
 One of MY favorite things about going to Montgomery is getting to walk or jog on great roads and walkways.  We do it every time we are there, and this time we walked to the donut shop that is now RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER.  Blows my mind.  

 Carousel selfies!

 This was supposed to be "fierce", but I got the loser memo.  Go figure.
 Patton's first yogurt cup of his own!
 Thursday Patton went along to the swim lesson, and hated the water.  Scrame.  Even when we tried just the baby pool.  He was having nothing of it.

 But Friday he couldn't get enough of it!
 The below video is huge for Kirby.  Huge.  Let me fill you in … we live 30 miles from the nearest pool.  We never go to the pool.  Last summer we went to my parents and swam the week of her lessons and that was it.  The start of lessons this week, so was timid.  She didn't cry, but she did her own thing. By Friday, she was going under for 8 seconds and jumping to get the toys.  I know 3 almost 4 year olds that can do backstroke, but this is a milestone for my beautiful ball of fire.

 Patton decided he likes sleeping with blankets while we were away.  3 blankets to be exact.

Beckett's shower was so sweet.  Kristin was a wonderful host and it was so kind of her to open up her beautiful home for us to use to celebrate life.

 And there is always a not so glamorous part of our days …. the ride home was tough.  I wish I could say she was crying as we left because she didn't want to leave.  No, this was fit #4 of the 6 hour trip today.  

 Home sweet Bishop …
And I want to shout this from the rooftops:
This week was a great week for me to breathe, even if it was with toes in my ribs every night.  I needed the reminder of why God blessed me with my 2 beautiful babies.  Why God chose me as a farmer's wife.  As I have been getting inquiries and my fall calendar is filling up with my new schedule, I am so thankful that I am cutting back on the sessions I take.  I can already feel the refreshness (word??  spellcheck says no but I like it) of it all.  Thank you Lord, for putting my feet in front of one another when I can not walk.  Thank you for being the breath when I feel like I can not breathe.  Thank you for redeeming me and giving me more in this life than I knew I needed.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Kirby has been having some serious issues with going to the bathroom.  I am going to keep this as general as possible, but let's just say she is as far from regular as it gets.  This last time it was 2 weeks between having a movement on her own.  Thus far, this is the hardest part of her life on me.  It literally takes so much out of me.  A parent of an almost 4 year old should not worry all day while she is at Mother's Day out if she is all of a sudden going to poop her pants because its so backed up.  Or if I am going to get a call saying they had to clean her up with an entire package of baby wipes.  Or if she is going to have to pee every 10 minutes because she is so backed up that it is literally pushing on her bladder and she can't hold a drop of water in.  We don't go anywhere without extra everything.  I have her sit and try to go all the time, everywhere we go.  She is fully potty trained, so this is not how it is supposed to be, right?  She had going poop down pat wayyyyy before she had pee.  She has always had some issues, but it has progressively gotten worse.

I have tried everything the doctor has suggested.  She has been on and off Miralax since she was one.  She eats TONS of fruit, a decent amount of veggies, and for the last 6 months has had her favorite thing in the world …. cheese, pretty much taken away from her.  She takes a probiotic and eats her granny's homemade yogurt with all kinds of live cultures lurking around in there.

About a month ago I started taking her to a chiropractor, and that seemed to help until we were gone for a week and then too busy to make it over to his office the next week.  Started back 2 weeks ago, so hoping for some positive results again after we are going consistently.

I sit and ponder for hours before I let her go anywhere with friends because I do not want their parent to have to worry about the issues.

We are supposed to be worried about the boogyman right now … or choosing which color play doh we want to play with today … or making memories with lots of laughs  …. I should not be waking up with poop on my mind.  But I do … everyday I say, "Lord, me again …. please let today be the day that Kirby poops."

I have read numerous blogs and tried so many home suggestions.  I bought a book about it and last night we had some good laughs.  She now know how everything travels through the body.  I am sure next time she sees you she will share her "food for thought" on the issue.

I know to some this may seem little, compared to what health issues we could be dealing with, but it is big to us.  Please be in prayer for Kirby and her tummy.  And any suggestions you have, please share!

 Tuesday she had an accident and had to come home, but the rest of the week she did great at KO Flips camp.  Just a fun week for her with girlfriends, although I am not sure how serious she took this.  She is much more poised and composed when she is at Tippi Toes, so maybe this just is not her thing.
 The video is a perfect example … it starts and she is watching her reflection in the window and making faces at herself.  
 This is what we do after Wednesday night church … we go crazy because we are THAT exhausted and blessed.

Photo Bomber ...

 Friends taking pictures of friends in the bathroom with flowers, cause thats what they do!
 2 pooped out little angels!
 And no sleep over at Patrick Farms is complete without going to check on the new baby calves while momma cooks breakfast.

 Our lives are about to get even busier than we are used to, with harvest coming up.  I am so thankful we are having a harvest this year, though, so I am going to try really reallllly hard not to complain about the long days it requires.  Between that, a wedding in July, and normal life stuff, we knew we would not be ourselves for awhile, so we hired and sitter and snuck away for a few hours.  We are such rebels these days … I mean we went to Cheddars, Target for some baby shower gifts, and were home before 8:30.  But we got some hours alone, had a lot of laughs, and got to catch up on what's being going on in each other's heads the last few days.  Love him, love his zeal and compassion for our family, and love seeing him as a daddy.  God has blessed me with more than I could ever imagine in a man.  He is nothing I ever dreamed of, and he is so much better than I could have ever thought up on my own.
 And since we were a part for most of the week, I treated Kirby to a mommy-daughter day today, complete with her very first pedicure in a big ol' butterfly chair.  A sweet friend blessed me with a gift card, so I shared my goodness with my mini.  Loved watching her excitement and amazement.

"So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 18:4

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My Life is Full

The evolution of Patton walking …. 
 It all started walking side to side in his crib.  He would do this a lot …. I guess thinking no one could see.  Fooled him.  
  Then he finally started doing it more often.
And crawling up on sister's bed all the time … it is his favorite place to play.  If I can't figure out where he wandered off to, I know to look there!
And my heart is still with this ….

 Completely and utterly still.  They do love each other.  They adore each other.

My favorite thing about my photography business is the relationships I am blessed to make along the way.  This was a sweet gift that a bride gave ME … it was her day to be pampered and here she showered me with so much love.
 Last week was VBS, and although my kiddos are too young to be enrolled, helper's kids get to go!!  So for a whole week we loaded up and went to town everyday.  It was exhausting but so worth the memories we all got to make!

 To end the week off, we had dinner for our great friends (we claim them as family) 40th wedding anniversary.  Our preacher, who is my sister in laws father in law, and his wife are such a huge blessing in our life.  We are always included as family in events, and it warms my heart.  All the cousins are the best of friends.  Patton's swim shorts were too big on him, so we just went in basketball shorts to play in the water spouts down town.  

 While waiting for our supper, the kids enjoyed a dance party outside …. they have moves, so watch out.

 I finally get to see things from Kirby's world ….
 Tonight a sweet friend asked Kirby and another friend to spend the night with her girls.  Their sweet, sweet teacher from this year came over and read them night time stories.  How many momma's can say their teacher does that?  We are all so blessed to have Ms. Lissa in our lives.  I wish she could be their teacher for life!
 Today Kirby was at a gymnastics camp so momma and Patton got some quality one on one time.  I don't think he knew what to do with all the attention to himself!

"I've got all I've waited for …. and I could not ask for more."  Sarah Evans

You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.  Psalm 23:5