Kirby is really quite the hoot. I know they say "kids say the darnedest things", and I have to agree 100%. Some of the things she says and does I just think to myself, "now how did she get
that idea." It also makes me that much more cautious about what is let into our home or into her path. "Oh be careful little eyes ..."
Lately her sentences have become even more complete. Instead of the simple subject and verb sentences, we are getting some adjectives thrown into the mix, which as a former English teacher and lover of all things writing, tickles me to death. A new saying that she is saying whenever things have settled down a bit too much for her is, "I don't feel so good." She doesn't just
say it though. She gets this pitiful, "woe is me" look on her face and she says it with a little bit of cry in her voice. She never feels bad when she says it, so it makes me wonder how well she will be able to "pull one over on me" when she gets older and figures out being sick means staying home from school! What is funny is she will walk up to
whoever is around to listen and tell them this. The other day we had some friends over checking out the house and she just walked up to Brandon (just met him 5 minutes before), put her arm around his leg and said, "(
sniff sniff) I don't feel so good." He is great and has 4 kids of his own so he responded with out missing a beat, "Well then I guess you will just have to sit there and get to feeling better while the boys and Hailey go on the trampoline." Um, she felt better in a jiffy!
Speaking of Hailey, this is a wonderful blessing in our life!! She is keeping Kirby two days a week the first 2 weeks of each month in the summer. As you read yesterday, those are my "slam and jam" weeks. With Mother's Day Out being on break for the summer, I really needed an option for Kirby and I refused to let that option be the TV (even though that would not have really worked anyway). When I am home and she is home, there is NO work getting done. She knows how much fun we have together so will not allow me to work. Can't blame her. So thankfully, Hailey agreed to keep her at their house for me and I am able to work, have some one on one time with Patton, as well as be home manager on those days. It has worked out quite nicely. I work like a mad woman, because it
seems like enough time, but those days fly by faster than a bird diving for the first worm of the morning.
The most important milestone that I feel like sharing today is that Kirby is understanding the concept of prayer much better and quicker than I thought. We have prayed with Kirby before every meal and at bedtime since she was born. She sees and hears me pray off and on throughout the day as well. She started saying her own dinner prayer around 2, but it has always been routine and short (all part of the process) so I did not think she really
understood about being able to pray whenever. And for anything. I have been trying over the last few months to reiterate the fact that we can talk to God about all things. Even going potty. One day she was having a hard time and I prayed about going potty, she went, and said, "Thank you Lord!" quite ecstatically. Then the other week it really made CR and I realize she was getting it. She broke a sheep at my mom's house. According to her it had a broken leg. CR acted fast and put it away before she could ruin it anymore. When she asked him where it was he said, "the hospital." She then crawled up in his lap and said, "daddy, we need to pray for my sheep and his leg." Last week when I had a headache, she asked to stop and pray for me to feel better. Thankful she is starting to get the appropriateness and the reverence of prayer.
Zoo trip at the end of May:
I recently subscribed to this neat company called Kiwi Crate. Since we live 30 minutes from the nearest craft store, and I never seem to think about getting stuff like this while I am close to there, I thought it was a good investment. For 19.99 they send us a box of 2-3 activities to do along with a little lesson about the craft. TOTALLY WORTH IT! It probably has that much in supplies. And they ship it to me here in Far, Far, Away land. And Kirby loves to get her package. I try to split up the activities over a few days so as not to spoil all the fun in one! This kit was about birds. We made 3 different bird masks ...
and wings ....
We also made some big, blue, bird eggs and a nest. I had a blast!
Kirby loves to go out in our backyard and talk to the cows while they eat supper ...
And you should hear her call her cows ... "heerrr cowwwwss ... cotton seed"
This is what Patton thinks about feeding cows right now. Not too impressed just yet!
CR taught Kirby how to say a famous East Texas/Louisiana saying. In case you can't understand her, it is "Hey y'all, how your momma and them?" See her eggs in their nest?
While in Montgomery at the end of May, we finally got to connect with our best friends!
Kirby loves to visit Grammy and Paw ... we can't wait to be back there in a week!
For those of you keeping up with CR's beard, it is a subject in and of itself that will one day get its very own journal entry. But for now, here is a short snippet. It is getting pretty long. I'd say it is now about 3 reed lengths. It is for sure 2 full. He has often had things, usually food or milk, nestled into this mane. The other day topped them all, though. I looked over and just laughed. I could not contain my laughter. Yes, I almost "Pirate in the Penzance" (those of you old enough for Pretty Woman get that ) .... wait for it ... he had ... oh gosh here I go again ... a full cobweb dangling from the bottom. There was even a few little leafs within the cobweb. No spider, that I saw ...
And here is yours truly, after a 9 hour trip to Corpus by myself with my 5 month old and 2 1/2 year old ...
We survived, by the grace of the Almighty!
The me post will have to wait until later ... husband calls ...
"....The heart of her husband has confidence in her." Proverbs 31:11