
Monday, May 20, 2013

The General is

already four months.  Where has the time gone?  It seems like just yesterday I was laying in the hospital bed, freezing my booty off with 10 blankets on me cuddling my sweet newborn BOY.  Slow down, life.

At 4 months old, Patton

  • sleeps very well.  He doesn't go as long as Kirby did at this age (10-12 hours at night), but he does "sleep through the night" according to authorities ... who are they anyways?  He sleeps about 7 hours the first stint, eats a little, and then sleeps another 5 hours.  This is average, but not yet every night.  He is just a hungry, growing BOY.  All BOY!
  • belly laughs.  It is hysterical.  And he does it often.  He is a very happy baby that is for sure.  Calm, cool, and collected.  Goes with the flow with a smile on his cute little dimply face.
  • rolls from tummy to back, and is working on back to tummy.  
  • attempts to pull himself up as soon as he gets a hold of someones hands.  He will have great abs one day if he keeps this up.
  • I swear when he starts to fuss at first he says moooom.  He hears Kirby say it enough so I am sure that won't be too long down the road.
  • weighs 15 pounds.  50 percentile ... I never got this info with Kirby but this doctor shares it so I guess I should put that down.
  • is 24 1/4" long, which is only the 20 percentile, which surprised me.  Here I thought I had a long baby ...  maybe just seems as such since Kirby is only 9" longer than that.  I have peanut babies!
  • loves his sister.  Turns to see her when he hears her.  Laughs and looks at her with such awe and amazement.
  • does so great with anyone he is left with.  Nursery, close friends, family ... such a blessing because it is hard to always have 2 with you.  Asking for help is ok, I am learning this, and I am so blessed to be surrounded with givers of time.

 Can you say, "I look like my Paw Paw in this picture?"  Oh my goodness gracious, Dad!
 There is no doubt her love goes very deep for her brother.  She adores him, and he her.  I know one day they will bicker and fight and pick, but for me, this will forever be in my heart.
Through the crib rails ... be still my heart.

"These are the commands, decrees and laws the Lord your God directed me to teach you to observe in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess, so that you, your children and their children after them may fear the Lord your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life."  Deuteronomy 6:1-2

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The iPhone

is one handy tool.  It captures my pictures when my humongous cameras just can't be lugged around.  Here is our last month in pictures ...
First up is P man ... he loves his bath time.  He just about kicks out of there!
 At the end of April one of my former students had a baby shower ... all of the high school friends got together to take a picture.  Look who had to jump in.  Do you spot her?  She had to be with her "new big friends".

Patton had to accompany me to my check up with Dr. Supnet!  He was thrilled as you can see ...
 We love our walks.  And yes, this was just 2 weeks ago .... bundled up and Patton with a hat on.
 Sleep ... very rare for us right now.  But I know that when they are grown and gone I can sleep.  Maybe, or will I be up wondering how they are sleeping away from me? 
 Just another day on the farm!
 I spotted this and I think our bull is gay.  If you know anything about cattle in heat, you will be able to see why.
 My office assistant!
 We do things naked outside in the country.  Even riding our bike.  Until we nail potty training, its just easier.  
 A few weeks ago I took senior pictures for the girl who was named prom queen at a local school.  She left her sash in my car and this one found it.  I guess she thought she needed to be drama queen instead ...

I've tried my hair in 3 different variations of the same cut the last few months.  I think I finally found the one that will stick awhile.  I need something quick and easy, but avoiding the "mom do" like the plague.  This is a little more Posh Spice and a little less Mrs. Brady.
 We know our mail man by name, do you?  He even brings us homegrown tomatoes every single day!
 The last day of her first year of school .... it was water day and she was so excited to get to school!

 Thank you Ms. (Aunt) Katherine for a wonderful, fun and blessed school year!  She has grown so much in her knowledge and skills.  And playing with Anna Kate every Monday and Wednesday is a memory she won't soon forget.
 After school I took her to her first dental check up.  I know, I am about 2 years behind the ball game.  She did so well.  When the hygienist introduced herself, Kirby stuck out her hand and said, "nice to meet you".  She did the same thing to the dentist.  She has one small spot on her very front tooth that they say will turn into a cavity.  They said it is something that forms in the womb.  Crazy.  That I had either been on some medication or that I had been sick and the tooth matrix(s) get a little "hiccup" and turn their attention to help fight what ever is in my body and that interferes with the teeth.  They will wait as long as possible to do anything about it so that they won't have to sedate her...that if in a year she will let me hold her while they take care of it, that is how they prefer to do it.  They also said braces are in her future ... that her teeth are very crowded.  My response, "we knew our children would have jacked up teeth ... I had one too many and my husband is missing about 10.  We will start saving now!"  Crazy how much they can tell already.  

I am hoping to be better about blogging again.  At least once a week is my goal.  I've gotten a hold of my schedule so much better and I am really loving the way it is working for our family.  Tomorrow is Patton's 4 month check up and I will be getting his 4 month snapshots, so stay tuned for those to post in a few days!

Make it a great day!!

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
2 Corinthians 5:17

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Kirby cuteisms

Our spunky little girl sure fits her name.  She is goofy, clever, and full of charm.  She really cracks up lately.  She also fits her middle name, Rose, very well.  Lots of sincere sweetness seeps from her very core.  Tonight CR was setting up the crib in Patton's room.  I know,I know ...kind of late,but it's been working for us.  Kirby walked in and asked him, "hey daddy, whatcha doing?  That's my old bed.  That's my bed?  In Patton's room?  Why is my bed in Patton's room?"  My heart just stopped.  So I hear CR take a deep breath and say, "well sugar, since you have a new big girl bed, can Patton use your old bed?"  Silence and my heart still stopped.  Then I hear the sweetest music to my ears.  "Sure he can." Spoken softly and with genuine love.

Now for some spunk:
Yesterday morning she was eating bacon at the breakfast table.  She said, "look I have a boat."  She shows CR and I her half eaten crispy bacon.  I responded,"well who is on your boat?" Thinking I would hear "Jonah", she smiles and says "Jesus!"  About 30 seconds later she says, "ups, I ate Jesus?"

Her response to everything right now: sure, sure I can

Her Imagination is bizarre right now.  She tells us often,"shhh, my baby is sleeping.  I need yous to be quiet he needs to sleep and not wake up. Shhh."

She's beginning to ask questions and put things together.  She is a pure joy and I love her more and more everyday.  My biggest fear and deepest prayer is that I can be the best mom for her needs.

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."
Proverbs 22:6