At 4 months old, Patton
- sleeps very well. He doesn't go as long as Kirby did at this age (10-12 hours at night), but he does "sleep through the night" according to authorities ... who are they anyways? He sleeps about 7 hours the first stint, eats a little, and then sleeps another 5 hours. This is average, but not yet every night. He is just a hungry, growing BOY. All BOY!
- belly laughs. It is hysterical. And he does it often. He is a very happy baby that is for sure. Calm, cool, and collected. Goes with the flow with a smile on his cute little dimply face.
- rolls from tummy to back, and is working on back to tummy.
- attempts to pull himself up as soon as he gets a hold of someones hands. He will have great abs one day if he keeps this up.
- I swear when he starts to fuss at first he says moooom. He hears Kirby say it enough so I am sure that won't be too long down the road.
- weighs 15 pounds. 50 percentile ... I never got this info with Kirby but this doctor shares it so I guess I should put that down.
- is 24 1/4" long, which is only the 20 percentile, which surprised me. Here I thought I had a long baby ... maybe just seems as such since Kirby is only 9" longer than that. I have peanut babies!
- loves his sister. Turns to see her when he hears her. Laughs and looks at her with such awe and amazement.
- does so great with anyone he is left with. Nursery, close friends, family ... such a blessing because it is hard to always have 2 with you. Asking for help is ok, I am learning this, and I am so blessed to be surrounded with givers of time.
Can you say, "I look like my Paw Paw in this picture?" Oh my goodness gracious, Dad!
There is no doubt her love goes very deep for her brother. She adores him, and he her. I know one day they will bicker and fight and pick, but for me, this will forever be in my heart.
Through the crib rails ... be still my heart.
"These are the commands, decrees and laws the Lord your God directed me to teach you to observe in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess, 2 so that you, your children and their children after them may fear the Lord your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life." Deuteronomy 6:1-2