
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Patton One Month

Our sweet Patton Luke is already one month old.  Man, I thought time flew by when Kirby was an infant; it is going by even faster with him.  I imagine it is because our days are chalk full (see earlier post).

  • He is already so very different than Kirby.  So far, even more laid back than she was.  
  • He already pushes up and holds his head up like a little turtle for a few seconds.
  • Doesn't mind tummy time.
  • Starting to notice and make eye contact about a foot or so away.
  • Loves to snuggle.  Loves it!  And so does Mommy.  I have read that they cant get spoiled this young to it, so we do it often.  Sometimes all night (by accident - I fall asleep nursing!).
  • Growing like a weed.  Newborn clothes are starting to be too short for him.  This is one way Kirby and Patton are different.  She stayed the same size for long periods of time.
  • Is very loved by momma, daddy, and sister.

Kirby Lately

Some of these pictures have been posted in previous blogs, but I wanted you to see a typical full day in the life of Kirby.  It is adventurous!  And lovely.  And sometimes messy.  But worth every minute and blessing her days bring to mine.
Early morning snuggle times with brother.

 She loves to help make breakfast.  Her favorite thing to help make are pancakes, because I let her use food coloring in hers to make them the color of the day!
After breakfast, she gets her boots and jeans on so that she can go "do work".  Even on school days.

 Feeding cows is the first item on her agenda every morning after she leaves the house.  This is Squirt, her bottle fed calf.

Then they load up in the truck and go to the oat patch to call in the cows that are grazing ... she says "wooo, come on ...wooo come on".
 Next she heads to the barn and calls in the bulls ... all of them!
 It is always necessary to stop and give a little love, too.

 When she gets home she likes to heard her cattle through the gates, too.  Can't leave them out in the field, you know.

 With chores done we can now move on to play time ... we paint ....
We doctor our animals, like her good friend Larry the giraffe.
We find treasures in our sand box (flour in a pan)

her imagination goes crazy and she asks if she can swim in her sand ...
We swing on the porch so we can ...
practice our gig em'

Then it is finally bath time ...

 and snuggle time before bed.  As you can see, she wears us completely out while she is still kickin' and going strong.

 But not for too long.

Gersh ... I can not even put in to words how truly blessed we are with Kirby.  She is such a joyful delight.  She challenges me every single day and makes me think so much more than I ever have before - even more than in college calculus!  I cannot imagine our lives without her.  I look forward to the life that God has planned for us with her as her parents.  
**Sorry for the quality of the pictures; they were all taken with my phone because that is what is handy for candid moments that I save for my cookie jar.

 All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13

Friday, February 1, 2013

2 weeks and bathtime

Life is crazy beautiful around here.  We are adjusting to 4 slowly but surely.  It is a blessing to get (or should I say try at this point) to teach Kirby about having a brother and learning to share mommy.  It is really hard on her.  She doesn't cry and scream "I want my mommy" but she might as well.  While I feed him she will do everything in her power to get me to look at her (including saying, "look at me, look at me").  This is crazy to me how no one has to teach us as humans to be selfish.  We are born. as. sinners.  No discussion.  There are times that she does things that deserve a definite spanking or reprimand, but while I am nursing there isn't much I can do but discuss with her.  How far can you get on a discussion of discipline with a 2 year old?!  The book, Give Them Grace is one that I have been reading off and on since she was 6 months old.  I need to get through it already to really get it all in my head.  So far from what I have read I love their approach to discipline.  Really, though, we need to look no further than the most perfect Word for what to do with our children.  "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."  Proverbs 22:6  The question is what is the "way he should go"?  Towards Jesus!  "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him."  Proverbs 13:24  Yes, sweet Kirby has gotten the "rod" already quite a few times in her life.  Shesh ... she is so much like her daddy.  

I am not going to lie and make this sound better than it is.  This transitioning is tough.  Hard.  Emotionally draining.  It is very hard for me to see my sweet angel act out.  I know it is part of growing up (she is in that toddler age) and this is a huge adjustment for her.  Yesterday I just broke down crying with the both of them.  It was time for Patton to eat so I was trying to settle Kirby in with a fun activity to keep her occupied.  She wanted nothing to do with it.  I've tried, "bring me a book while I feed Patton" and that does not suit her.  So I had to get him; he was screaming hungry.  I'm carrying a screaming hungry baby, I have a Kirby hanging onto my leg screaming and crying, "mommy", so I just sat down with the both of them and we cried it out.  Kirby turned very quickly to a sweet, let me help you mommy kind of person.  I feel like the world of social media has (mainly Facebook) given me, and I am sure a few others, this false impression of "my life is easy and beautiful".  I mean, I see these pictures and posts of moms with kiddos who seem to always have it together and look darn good doing it.  Well, we aren't seeing "always" my friends; we are seeing the good moments that people choose to share.  Do yourself a favor (I am working on this as we speak) and put behind false impressions.  You just be the best mom/dad/sister/brother/teacher/friend you can be.  Set out each day with what is important to you.  The rest either will or will not take care of itself, but then again who cares?  If you've got your priorities where God wants them, then all will be "well with your soul" ... and the rest of the house!  

We had a bit of a scare on Sunday late afternoon.  Saturday evening Patton was very stuffy all night long.  I used the squidgy (spelling) and saline for his nose all morning and day.  I had taken his temp that morning and it was normal.  That afternoon around 2 I decided to take it again.  105, 107, 106.9.  The thermometer was flashing red at me.  I did not understand.  He didn't seem to be running a fever.  He was not hot.  But the thermometer worked fine previously so in to the car seat and out to the urgent care center we went.  I had him tested for flu and RSV since it has been so predominant around here.  Both were negative and his temperature was in the normal range.  Weird.  He is still fighting the nose stuffiness, but I guess we chalk that up to allergies and where we live?

Patton had his 2 week check up on Wednesday; everything went well.  He now weighs 8 lbs and is 20 1/4" long.  CR already said he thinks he is going to be bigger than him.  Something that encourages us is that his pediatrician can't ever feel the slack or pop in his hip, so hoping for good news when we go back to re-evaluate at the end of this month!  

Patton loves his bath!  I have a picture of Kirby at this age in the same pose ... I need to find the digital and post them side by side.  You can tell who their daddy is for sure ...

 Yup, this hairy beast.  He put "it" in a pony tail the other evening ... then he decided it was time for a beard trim.  I must say, the trim was very welcomed.  Next weekend is supposedly his deadline for it ... we will see if it stays or goes.

Here is my 40 week picture :)
Enough said ... this was taken off of our back porch this morning.  A simple reminder to me that every morning is new.  Don't hold on to what happened yesterday; start fresh in the word and He will direct your path.  Make it a great day my friends.