Some of these pictures have been posted in previous blogs, but I wanted you to see a typical full day in the life of Kirby. It is adventurous! And lovely. And sometimes messy. But worth every minute and blessing her days bring to mine.
Early morning snuggle times with brother.
She loves to help make breakfast. Her favorite thing to help make are pancakes, because I let her use food coloring in hers to make them the color of the day!

After breakfast, she gets her boots and jeans on so that she can go "do work". Even on school days.
Feeding cows is the first item on her agenda every morning after she leaves the house. This is Squirt, her bottle fed calf.
Then they load up in the truck and go to the oat patch to call in the cows that are grazing ... she says "wooo, come on ...wooo come on".
Next she heads to the barn and calls in the bulls ... all of them!
It is always necessary to stop and give a little love, too.

When she gets home she likes to heard her cattle through the gates, too. Can't leave them out in the field, you know.
With chores done we can now move on to play time ... we paint ....
We doctor our animals, like her good friend Larry the giraffe.
We find treasures in our sand box (flour in a pan)
her imagination goes crazy and she asks if she can swim in her sand ...
We swing on the porch so we can ...

practice our gig em'
Then it is finally bath time ...
and snuggle time before bed. As you can see, she wears us completely out while she is still kickin' and going strong.
But not for too long.
Gersh ... I can not even put in to words how truly blessed we are with Kirby. She is such a joyful delight. She challenges me every single day and makes me think so much more than I ever have before - even more than in college calculus! I cannot imagine our lives without her. I look forward to the life that God has planned for us with her as her parents.
**Sorry for the quality of the pictures; they were all taken with my phone because that is what is handy for candid moments that I save for my cookie jar.
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13