
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Quick update

Sorry I have been MIA.  I will be MIA again for a few days I am sure, so I wanted to put in a quick update this Sunday so that you didn't think we fell of the face of the Earth ... I mean, it is flat, right?

  • My daddy is a hero!  I know all little girls think that, but mine is for real.  Im sure yours is, too.  He rearranged his work schedule so that he could come down and help Patrick farms get through planting season.  God is so good.  I know that He has an even bigger purpose of putting him here right during these moments.  So many reasons, actually.  Besides helping the farm, he is a tremendous help to me in this always hectic season.  I usually cook for the hands and take the meals to the field. Lots of greasy laundry.  You get the idea.  On top of all that, busy with photography (another bullet on that).  So I know I'm selfish, but he is here helping me, too!
  • Kirby is picking up on so many new words.  Clearly saying orange, tractor, truck, horse, hippo ... those are the new ones I can think of this week.
  • Photography is booming for now, but know once seniors settle may get dead.  Help spread the work to families for me, please!  I have a shoot everyday this next week except Friday.  Phew - not sure!
  • Momma is coming to help me with Kirby so I can get the above done.  I am so blessed to have the parents that I do.  Not sure I tell them that enough.
  • CR got a new planter - do I need to go into details on how excited he is?  Pictures will come!
  • I am a modern day Annie Oakley, watch out!
  • I was trying to give up caffeinated coffee (what is the point of decaf besides the warmth and feel of it, I know, but it does satisfy my craving) again because I know it has a little to do with fertility issues and I don't want caffeine to control me.  Well, with the crazy schedules we have had and being near a Starbucks pretty often the last few weeks, I am now in more trouble with the beverage than I was before.  Cold turkey I think is how it is going to have be ... after next week!
  • I am so thankful that God commands my steps and I pray about each of the above steps before I commit.  Each has a purpose for Him, even if I don't clearly see it now.
   "I know, O Lord, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps." Jeremiah 10:23