
Sunday, January 29, 2012


to be a stay at home momma.  If I was working 7:45-4:30 at school, I would not have the opportunities to drop what I am doing and carpe diem.  Thursday afternoon CR and Ray were going to help some kids from Kingsville shear pigs.  It was a beautiful afternoon so I said, "You know what, Kirby and I would love to come along if we could."  Of course we could ... and I am so glad we did.  There was so much for Kirby to see there.  They raise black buck and some other exotics for high fence ranches around Texas.  They raise bunnies, pigs, and children.  There were children everywhere we looked.  Kirby just walked up to each different kid that would come along and say, "Hi!"  and wave like they were 50 feet away.  Here are some of our adventure pictures ...

I weighed her in the pig scale, and then she would not get out!!!  She kept wanting to get back in once I got her out.  We have no hope - gonna be a pig gal!
Then on Friday we up and left with them to go all day to the Sinton Livestock Show to see some more of our little piggy wiggles show.

She wanted to get in the arena so badly, until one of the pigs came up right to the fence and snorted at her.  Then she didn't want anything to do with them!
Saturday I had the opportunity to take some more Valentine pictures.  They are over at Route 1 Photography if you want to check out a few of my favorites.  I am working on getting an actual web page going for that instead of just a blog.  I will let you know when we get there.
Hope everyone had a nice, restful and blessed weekend.  Have a great week and stay tuned for Kirby's 17 month updates and a Sunday Sermon... a little late, but hey, we are always running!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Whirlwind Weekends

are well worth every moment!  This past weekend we drove up to Montgomery to visit my parents and do some photography business.  Oh, that just sent chills down my spine.  Am I actually starting my own business.  This scares me, but it is a passion in my heart and I know the Lord is directing my path.  Jeremiah 29:11 keeps repeating through my heart and mind as I take another step forward.  Jeremiah had sent a letter to those that survived the exile from Jerusalem to Babylon.  In his letter he said the Lord says, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  I know that no matter what happens, no matter what risks I take, God knows and has a plan for me.  How special does that make you feel?  He has a plan just for you, too.  He holds us in the palm of His hand with a very specific purpose and plan, we just have to yield and be still to hear it.  Neat huh?  Amazing I say!  Anyhow, I was going up there originally just to take a basic, make sure that I know what I am doing camera class from Spanki Mills.  I ended up having an interest in taking Valentine pictures for some kids so I booked them for that same weekend and had a ball.  You can check some of my favorites out at Route 1 Photography and see what you think.  I am doing a similar session here in Corpus this Saturday.  Very excited to see how they turn out.  Kirby of course enjoyed the visit.  She adores Kyleigh and shouts her name when she walks through the door.  It comes out more like "lyleigh", but we know what she is saying.  When we ask her about Brayleigh, she does the sign language sign for baby.  Snapshot.  Moment for the cookie jar.  She knows when we walk in the door at grandma's house who she is going to say.  As soon as we get out of the car she starts saying, "paw paw, paw paw".  She cried for paw paw the other day when we were home, kind of funny.  She was fussing and just said, "paw pawwww".  Goofball.  Before we left Monday morning to head home we ate breakfast with Kyleigh and Kirby walked her to class.  Everyone gushed and gawked at grammy's beautiful grand girls!

We also had the Nueces County Livestock Show last week.  We just went up there Thursday afternoon to check out the pig show.  Of course, who was the real star of the show?
Thank you, Lord, for my cookie jar full of precious moments!!
"And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Ephesians 5:20

Personal note about me: everything is fine.  Praise the Lord all of my blood tests that were run the last 3 weeks came back in normal ranges for my thyroid and diabetes.  The concern is because I keep loosing weight (I am 20 pounds lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight with Kirby).  I am not necessarily complaining, just ready for it to stop now.  There was a scare last week that I thought I had miscarried, but turns out I am not even pregnant so it was just a weird thing.  Weird, weird.  God is always directing though, so I know all of this is in His hands.  Thanks for stopping by!! 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Busy body

Just a few quick shots of Ms. Priss.  The first one is not clear and very dark; from CR's iPhone and she was moving with the beat.  She likes to put on my dad's shooting ear muffs.  

 This wonderful little car kept her well entertained while mommy was preparing for a quick photo session at a friend's house.  She loved the car.  She pointed to it and said, "go, go."  It was a sad day when we had to leave.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Brilliant idea Ree!

My bff Bethany Thompson is a jewel.  She gave me the only thing I really wanted for Christmas.  It is too cool how well we know each other.  Anyhow, she got me The Pioneer Woman's cookbook.  If you do not know what I am talking about, check out her blog.  She is a really neat woman.  I have made about 5 things from the book so far and all have been delish (according to Kirby and CR).  As most of my followers know, I eat healthy and can't do milk products.  Most of her stuff is country cooking at its best - butter and cream!  After I try them exactly as the recipe goes, and steal just a bite to try because I know how good it will be, I usually try to make a version that isn't so full fat and see the comparison by CR's reaction.  I love to make this stuff, though, and hubs sure likes to put it down.  She also has some really great tips in the book and I love her stories.  Her stories are my stories.  When I read her book sometimes I think we are living the same life!  Today I made the chicken pot pie; it is in the oven as we speak and smells ah-ma-zing!  The pie crust that you make for it can make 2 to 3 crusts (depending on how thick you like it) and you only need 1 for the pot pie.  She says to put the other half into a gallon zipper bag and partially roll it out, then freeze it.  Well I decided to go ahead and roll it all the way to a full 9" pie crust.  It was so easy to roll and there was no flour mess!  I said to myself, "self, next time you roll out a pie crust, just put it in a gallon zipper bag and have at it."  There will be no flour mess, no sticking to the rolling pin, and no getting dough between the grout (on the awful tile job the man did!).  Thank you, Ree Drummond, for the inspiration of my new lazy way to roll out dough! 

After I cleaned up the kitchen, Kirby and I headed outside for our afternoon fun in the sun.  Nothing like high 70s in January! Of course Kirby wanted out of her stroller to chase Boots around.  Funny thing, I didn't put the brakes on the stroller after she got out.  We were walking around the driveway, picking up rocks and watching Boots when all of a sudden the stroller comes rolling high speed ahead and attacks Boots.  He was not to be found after that, but here is Kirby trying to find him:

"A cheerful heart is good medicine ..."  Provers 17:22a

Kirby Updates

I'm slacking on taking Kirby's month to month pictures this year.  Gruff.  But there are enough other pictures of her, right?  You can never get enough.  Maybe on the 23rd of this month I will surprise you with a 17 month picture!  She has always been vocal, but now we are starting to understand more and more of what she says.  She is also catching on to more signs.  The other day she did the sign for drink when she was thirsty and I was floored.  It didn't look anything like the way I do it, but it was her version and I knew what she meant.  Imagine a little girl taking a shot - quick throw back of the head and cup sign to the mouth.  Hysterical!  Here are some new things she says that have surprised me:

Hot - anytime there is a candle burning.  We told her hot when we started the grill a few weeks ago and now when she seems flames, she says hot.  Not sure if she understands we don't touch hot, but she knows the word!
Cock-a-doddle-do - comes out more like cochadoo.  She says it when she sees Cogburn outside or the rooster in our farm painting on the wall.
Harf - that's what an alligator says.
Get down - when she wants off her tractor or out of her high chair.
Poo phew- well, you know what that means.  She tells me, so I am wondering if it is too soon to start trying the potty.  Let me know your thoughts below!
I love you - comes out luff eww.  And then she blows kisses.

I know this is when they really start bringing out more and more of their personality and their brains are just sucking up everything they can, but it amazes me at how well she remembers things.  She always has to know what is going on, so I imagine being observant helps her there.  In no way do I think she is a genius child- its just cool when you see this little living thing soaking up so much knowledge.  Makes you make sure what you say and do!!  Great accountability!!  Thank you Lord for this miracle and blessing you have given us!!

He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the LORD!
Psalms 113:9

This picture reminds me of my mother.  She always has her glasses on just a little crooked on her nose.  Mom, don't get mad - you know it's true!

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Big Reveal and some Kirby

Well, I have taken the leap that God has placed on my heart.  I went public and pro.  Here we go ... please join me on this journey by also following Route 1 Photography's blog!

On another note, Kirby is a hoot!  I know we are partial because she is ours, but she is so darn hysterical.  Cracks me up on an hourly basis.  These pictures do not even begin to describe how much fun she was having last night, but here is a shot at a picture story line ...
 Kirby like to follow boots around and "yeow yeow" at him.
 I asked her where boots was ...
"Mom, I really do not know!"

 She was really starting to get concerned here.
 She thought he might be under the truck.

 Then she got distracted by picking up and trying to hike a rock - thanks to CR she knows how to hike.  Everything.

Then she spotted poor Boots.  Poor, poor Boots.

She thought he might like to eat a rock.
 She really wanted him to have it.  She kept saying, "eat, eat".
 "Did you eat it?"
 Then she tried to fly like superwoman in the grass.
 This was the outcome.
 She looks like she is stealthily sneaking through the grass to pounce on her prey - Boots.
 Hiking rocks once again.
Our future line-woman!  Ha!

"Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward."  Psalm 127:3

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Giveaway and a Sale

I have just completed Mary Kay inventory to closeout 2011.  There are some items that MUST go and some that really need to move.  For the giveaway you can win:

  • Grand prize: Amazing eyes set - 1 black liquid eyeliner, 1 eye primer, 1 silver satin eye shadow, and 1 lash lengthening mascara.
  • Second prize: Amazing lips set - 1 satin lips set and 1 sheer blush lipstick.
If there is anything you need to check out, go to

Everything in my inventory is 40% off.  Everything!  I've got Microdermabrasion Sets, Mineral powder, eyeshadows, skin care galore .... just let me know what your interested in and I will check the stash!  If you need it and I don't have it, I will order it and still give you 30% off your order!  Can't beat that.  Hurry, the contest and sale both end January 6th at midnight.

How do I win, you ask?
There are 2 ways to win this contest; do both and increase your chances!  Winner will be selected at random January 7th at 9:30 am (when Kirby is down for the count!).  
  1. Post under this blog post what you want to change about your skincare/makeup this year.  Do you want a new look?  Are your skin care needs changing (this happens as we age, you know, but who is aging?  I can't tell!)  Need a whole new line to try?  
  2. Share this post on your Facebook page.  Make sure to tell me you shared!  And if a friend of your's enters the contest or shares this post, you get a free travel size satin hands lotion for spreading the word even more!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Lens give away!

For all my photog friends out there, hobby or pro, go check out this giveaway!  How cool is this?  This is one of the lenses on my wish list, how about you?  What is your favorite lens?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Where is God in your past?

Think about where God has been in your past.  Always there.  "lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."  Matthew 28:20  He may have been a very vibrant act, a faint shadow, or the Carrier, picking you up and taking you to the next step.  Regardless, he has always been there.  He will always be there, too.  You just have to let Him.  If you don't see Him when you look back on your life, stop now and pray this prayer: "Lord Jesus,I know I am a sinner.  I know the only way to Heaven is through you.  I know I need you.  Please come into my life and be my Savior.  I know I can not work my way or pay my way into Heaven, I ask that you would forgive me for my sins and be my Redeemer.  Amen."  Simple as that.  No magic words, but it is confession from your mouth and you must believe in your heart.  And next year when you look back on your life and say, "Where was God in my year?",  you will see Him.  He will be the rock you have leaned on, the shoulder you have cried on, the Redeemer you have pled to.  There are so many times I can pin point in my life as "God was soooo there".  A few that really stick out in my mind are 1) when I was t-boned at an extremely dangerous intersection in College Station (one of the deadliest in the state of Texas at that) - the car's remnants show there was no way I should have come out of that un-harmed let alone alive, but I know God safely took the brunt of the hit for me; 2) when I went to the ATM in my car to get a stranger money because I believed his story that he had to get to his wife in Houston ... the turkey took the last $40 out of my bank account, but when I look back on it I think, "had I not gotten the idea to go around the corner to get the money, he may have tried to bust in my apartment, hurt me, and ransack everything to look for something valuable (he wouldn't have found a thing ... I was a poor college student in Bryan!); 3) when I sat CR down on the couch prepared and ready to break up with him - the Lord muted my mouth, made my stomach hurt, and then I burst into tears.  These are just a few standout examples of times I can say God was right there moving in my life so that I wouldn't take the wrong turn.  He has a purpose for each of us, and He is always there to use what we do for His good.  Are you letting Him use you for His good, or are you trying to use Him for your good?
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, who have been called according to His purpose."  Romans 8:28
You may be asking, "Lauren, what is this random picture of snow doing on your page?"  Well, I was going through an old backup hard drive of CR's and came across this.  I photoshopped a little because it was hazy, but this picture is such an awesome image.  This is in my in-laws backyard.  This tree is no longer there, it was slammed down by a bad storm a year or so ago.  It is funny to think that just like when grandpa would tell stories and say, "and there was this neat old tree that we would climb ... that tree had memories and I miss that tree" that we have a "memory tree".  When did we get old enough to have a memory tree?  I know this tree has many fond memories for Ray, Kitty, Katherine, and CR.  I am anxious for our trees that we planted shortly after we moved in to branch out and produce many memories for our family.