Has it hit anyone else like it has hit me? Cancer is really overcoming the human race. In this month alone, two people personally close to me have gotten news that they have cancer. Two beautiful, young women who have children and have wonderful things ahead of them. My cousin Jenny's cancer returned. I am not clear where exactly it is, but it was in her uterus before so it may be there again. I know it is in that area. The doctors are hopeful and said that it looks like with chemo things should be on the positive side. She begins her first treatment tomorrow. Please pray that her blood levels stay well and that she has the strength that she needs. My friend Shayla is the epitome of a healthy woman. She is in her early 30s, runs all time (encouraged me to run my 1/2 last year), is full of life and has 2 sons (a first grader and a 2 year old). She has Hodgskins Lymphoma (spelling is probably wrong). It is the bad kind. However, her doctors say that the treatment plan they have her laid out with has a very high success rate. Please pray that this is true for Shayla's case. Pray that her body accepts the treatment. Pray for Shayla's heart, the boys, and her wonderful husband.
This cancer stuff just seems to take over our bodies just as sin takes over our hearts and minds. It starts slow and then begins to cloud our bodies and our very being if not taken care of as soon as possible. As soon as they find cancer, they have to attack it or it may take over every part of the human body. As soon as we find sin in our hearts, we must attack it with every effort or it will take over every part of the human body. Weird to me how they are so much alike.
Kirby is doing well. I am still researching internet plans for our new house so that is why there are not many updates or posts. I think she is growing way too fast. She will be 2 months next weekend. They say that really she is only 3-4 weeks old gestationally, but I do not believe that. Here is why:
She engages very well.
She holds on to whoever is holding her.
She tries to stand on your lap.
When she lays down on the floor on a play mat, she kicks the ball that hangs above her feet.
All things that are right on target for 6-7 weeks.
We are going to be in Montgomery next week and I can not wait!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Since the last Thursday in September - don't ask me the date - Kathernine, Jody, Caleb, Porter, and Anna Kate have been in Texas! Whohoo! The first week they stayed with the Simmons and this last week they have been with the Patrick's. It has been such a nice time having them around. It is bittersweet that they have to leave. I know they are going to do God's mission He has set them out on, but it is going to be hard letting them go. The church had a wonderful reception for them the first Sunday they were here. They had pastor's from around the area come and speak some wise words of wisdom to them. They had other mission families there and they had local church choirs come together for a big presentation. It brought tears to my eyes to see God's love pouring out to them as a family - even people that had no clue who they were, were singing their hearts out and showering them with prayers. This weekend we had Shannon, Ken, Sadie, Meg, Rob, and Eva out to the house for a nice family dinner with everyone. It was such a blessing to get to have everyone together one last time before they head off across the world. Even though I was pretty busy with Kirby Rose and did not get to visit as much as I would have liked to with our company, I could tell that everyone else really enjoyed the time they had together.
The boys showing Eva how to play the piano.
The Patrick children with all their kiddos!
Shannon and Anna Kate.
The choir presentation for Katherine and Jody.
Thank you Lord for blessing me with this wonderful family. Thank you for not letting me let CR go when I thought that is what I needed. Thank you for your province, your mercy and your grace.
"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife ... " Eph. 5:31
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