
Thursday, September 30, 2010

With Christ

Yesterday we went to the orthopedic. Her left hip is not completely developed. From the way they showed us on the xrays and a drawing, basically her ball and socket are not fitting together right now. There is a gap between them. She will need to wear this brace for up to 4 months. It could come off sooner! They will check with an ultrasound every month and then update the brace or take it off completely. Yay! She is just like her mother ... this is similar to the brace I had to wear when I was born. It doesn't seem to hurt her in any way, she just seems uncomfortable. However, she is such a happy, easy going baby she is really taking it well. This combined with her gassy/colicky tummy was not fun at about 1:00 this morning. I ended up taking the brace off so that she could kick and pump her legs around like she likes to whenever she has a belly ache. Then we both slept well. They told us the more she wears it the better, but that we could take it off for a period of time each day to let her move; that might end up being middle of the night.
I am so thankful that this is all that we have to deal with. Yesterday while we were at Driscoll Children's Hospital I was very humbled. There were children there from about 1 to 15 that were in permanent braces, casts, wheel chairs, and walkers. There were children there for occupational therapy and mental issues. I kept thanking God over and over for the blessings we have. If this is the cross we have to bear for the moment, thank you Jesus, for it is a learning and growing of our faith even more.
I keep thinking about part time work, and then another doctor bill comes in. Where in the world do they come from and why can they not bill everything at once?! I know I need to work and I am reminded every day of that, but come October 28th it is going to be really hard. There is something that I am thinking about and going to propose to our ESC. Be praying for that, please. I am constantly reminded, though, of that simple and oh so known verse, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13. I know that many people think it is cliche, but that verse does speak volumes and volumes. There are so many things we can do with His strength and His strength alone. Kirby can get through wearing this brace and Lauren can get through going to work!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Prayer Request

Don't have a lot of time (we have to go take care of a pig that has prolapsed - don't ask!), but I have a huge prayer request from you all. My cousin Jenny has cancer again. I do not know all the details but I did get to talk to her this morning. She is still in the hospital in Katy where they discovered this, but will move to M.D. Anderson soon (hopefully). She has to get her blood pressure down before they can release her. She will have to do Chemo instead of radiation because she did too much radiation before. She has 3 beautiful daughters and is young. She has so much life left to live. Please pray for comfort for her, for knowledge for the doctors, and for the healing hands of God to work wonders only He can. Thanks and I will try, I promise, to update with some pictures and info soon! Kirby goes back to doctor for well visit Friday ... :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Refreshed and blessed!

This past week Kirby and I were able to go visit Montgomery for 5 days. It was much needed! Since we have been home from the hospital, every time she is resting I have been trying to organize or clean up the new house. Since we were not home, that could not happen. I was able to rest easily while we stayed with Kirby's great grandma. This is my grandmother's 5th great grandchild, and yes they are all girls! What a blessing it is for mine, Elizabeth's, and Jenny's children to get to know their great grandmother. She loved having us stay with her and Kirby snuggled up in her arms very well. While there, the rest of the Hemken side of the family got to come over on Sunday to meet Kirby Rose. Megan was a natural at holding her, and Aunt E got some good snuggle time in as well. Cousin Kyleigh was such a big help changing diapers and cuddling with her. Paw got to play with her and watch her grow everyday. Each day while we were there she changed in some way; the biggest was her legs - she has started to actually keep them straight now instead of so tucked in.
Update on her hip: we got the sonogram done yesterday and now they referred us to an orthopedic specialist. We go on September 29th. We are praying that it is not anything major and just something that her pediatrician needing clarification on.
She is such a great baby. She has some signs of possible colic - she gets very gassy, but I am hoping it isn't colic. We are trying some remedies :). When she isn't hungry or gassy, she is a happy, happy baby. She contents herself very well and smiles often. She doesn't LOVE tummy time, but she is getting to like it better. She doesn't cry when she is on her tummy, just kind of scoots and moans.
Her hair is growing in and this morning it was super crazy bed head (see pic above). I love it! Her eyes are still deep blue and her belly button is an outie! I love to smell her and rub my cheek against hers. Every time she cries I hold her close and remind her we are learning together and that her daddy and I are so blessed to be holding her in our arms. God is so good and His timing is impeccable!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Short and sweet

Happy birthday to my best friend and the best daddy Kirby could ever dream of having!
Gotta make this quick before dinner, but so many are wondering what is going on. Tomorrow I go to doctor and Wednesday Kirby Rose goes for her 2 week check up, so I will sit and update details then.
As for now ...
1. I can not believe she is already 2 weeks old. I cried for about 20 minutes today while I was holding her thinking about having to go back to school at the end of October. Please, share with me any ideas you have for me to be a stay at home mother - ideas where I can work from home. All suggestions will be thought and prayed about because my heart really wants to be home and not at school.

2. Kirby scoots up my belly and holds her head up for a little bit. She is very strong. I noticed today that she has her daddy's long arms. Sometimes when she has her eyes open she looks a lot like my daddy.

3. I got to make CR a birthday cake today and even put away clothes and kitchen items from some boxes, but I mainly snuggled and loved on Kirby.

4. God reveals Himself throughout our daily lives and it excites me when I just know it is all Him.