This whole entire pregnancy has been such a blessing. The long time of trying just was preparing our hearts and faith in God to make it through. Some people you hear have super easy pregnancies and others have tragic ones. Thankfully mine has not been tragic by any means, but not easy. Because of this I try to listen to my body really well. Friday afternoon I had a bit of a scare. The same type episode that I had when I found out I had placenta previa. It stopped within about fifteen minutes and I was able to talk to my doctor before the day was over. He told me as long as everything stopped and that I wasn't contracting, that it was all ok and he would see me Tuesday. We then scurried off to San Antonio to watch our Calallen Wildcats in their playoff games. All weekend I really did not feel nugget move at all. This was unusual to me because nugget has been doing flips and flying around on the umbilical cord all week. I still hadn't felt much movement Sunday morning and I woke up crying because I thought for sure something was up. Thankfully that afternoon I felt more movement, and then again today there was a little more, but still not back to as active as last week. Tomorrow I was just scheduled to have my glucose test and quick check-up, but I am requesting an ultrasound and thorough check to make sure all is well. Every thing that I read says to do what you feel is best, the doctor is there for you ... so there you go.
On a cuter note, CR has started talking to baby every morning and night. Last week I could feel the baby move closer to his voice. It is the most amazing feeling. He lays his head on the belly sometimes and he said he could feel it push as in saying, "hey, this is my spot!" We are so super excited about this adventure and can not wait to meet our little Nugget!
And .... my best friend is having her baby Wednesday. Can not wait to meet Nathan Matthew Thompson! I pray that both of our children would be able to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." 2 Peter 3:18